Four books from Czarne on the Nike 2017 shortlist!

We have just learned that four books from Wydawnictwo Czarne’s are shortlisted for the 2017 NIKE Literary Award.
The shortlisted books are:
Fałszerze pieprzu (Pepper Forgers) by Monika Sznajderman – essay
Dwanaście srok (Twelve Birds in a Bush) by Stanisław Łubieński – essay
Las nie uprzedza (The Forest Gives No Warning) by Krzysztof Środa – novel
Żeby nie było śladów. Sprawa Grzegorza Przemyka (So There Were No Traces. The Case of Grzegorz Przemyk) by Cezary Łazarewicz – reportage
The Nike Literary Award is the most prestigious Polish literature prize. This year is quite special as it marks the 20th anniversary of the Award.